Saturday, October 4, 2008

Another TTC update

Since the adoption is on hold for now, we've been back into the fertility treatments. I'm in my third month of Lupron. I'm only doing 4 months total, which the doctor said was fine. Timing is an issue now that Eric will be deploying, so I'll get my 4th shot October 15th(ish) and that will make our first 2 chances to try to get pregnant right around Thanksgiving and Christmas, both of which he'll be here for, so this is our best plan. If I don't get pregnant before he leaves for the boat I'm done with fertility treatments until after we adopt at least one child. The doctor has said that the Lupron treatment is our best chance to get pregnant, so if this doesn't work it's going to mean more tests and more treatments. I don't want to do IVF, it will cost more than an adoption and there's no guarantee of it working. It makes more sense to spend that money on an adoption.

I'm so ready for the fertility stuff to be over. I either want to finally get pregnant, or have the peace of knowing that that isn't the way our family is supposed to happen. Right now everything is just so crazy.

On another note, we're finally going back to church tomorrow. We haven't gone in months, mostly because Eric's schedule has been so crazy, but I've had a lot of times where I didn't feel very happy with God and had no desire to go to church, but I'm realizing once again, that things happen for a reason, whether I can see it or not, and I just need to trust in that.